Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Some advice on writing a battle report.

Throughout a variety of forums and blogs, there are a numerous amount of battle reports that people post.  They range from being really good to really bad.  There are many numerous formats people use.  Most often a written report is used, though video reporting is also very popular.  While my experience writing battle reports has been primarily with written reports, many of the points can be applied to video reports.

Here are some things to think about when you're making a battle report.

  •  Don't get wrapped up in stating the obvious (basic game mechanics, simple things people can get from reading the rules, etc).  I have personally been guilty of doing this from time to time, but explaining that a WS 4 models need's 4+ to hit another WS 4 model is just a waste of space that makes a reader lose patience reading your report.  They'll be less likely to offer you helpful advice regarding your list and/or tactics and consider you more like this guy.
 "If a model takes a wound and fails their armor save, then they're probably gonna take a wound."

  • Consider why you are making a battle report and keep that purpose in mind while writing.  Nearly all players write them to demonstrate a list and/or the tactics they used.  Often this is the best way for people to give you feedback about your list and/or tactics because a well made report can give them crucial insight to how you use all the models in the list. 
  • Clearly communicate what actually transpired during the game.  If you're using a camera, give clear pictures to aid your description of what happened.  Your pictures and/or video should not be a full substitute for a clear concise written or narrated report.  The person reading your report was not there to see your game as it transpired, so they're relying on you to clearly communicate what occurred. 
  • The most important thing to keep in mind is that other people are going to read the report.  When you make a report, take a moment to think from the reader's perspective.   It sounds obvious, but many reports are made that skim over major details that people want to read (deployment, tactics, terrain, etc) and make you puzzled as to why the person made the report in the first place.
 "I'm Vulkan He'stan?"

 These are just a few of the many general tips out there to improve your battle reports.  One more thing I'd like to add is when reading and commenting on a battle report, try to be as constructive as you can to help other people out.  It makes it easier to learn and improve not only your reports, but your list building, tactics, and the hobby overall.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with what you said totally, I try to give a little theatrics when writing, so instead of "the Tactical marines killed the Carnifex" I would right "the Carnifex's rampaging charge was halted by some crisp bolter fire from Squad Quintus"

    Same information different taste!
